
A serious case of the woulda, shoulda, couldas.....

Never fear, Samantha this here!

Okay maybe you weren’t afraid…maybe you didn’t even notice that I was gone. And you know what? That’s okay. I love you anyway.

Friends, in the spirit of honesty, I have been intermittently MIA lately because somewhere between the dog days of summer and today I simply lost my “me” factor.

I didn’t want to run (still don’t but I’m working on it), I didn’t want to blog (but here I am) and didn’t want to eat the healthy food I previously craved (ask the waistline of my jeans, they’ll attest to that fact)

I don’t know what happened or why but I just lost me. Or rather,  I MISPLACED me.. I make the distinction because lost implies that it might never be found whereas when something is misplaced there is hope that its right around the corner (or in the couch cushions or in the refrigerator or under the dog bed….and if you’ve ever lost money or keys at my place you know to look in these places first)

With a ½ marathon only a few days away I have slipped into a yucky place, where what I should have done is taking more of a priority in my mind then what I have managed to accomplish this year. It’s a bad place to be and I need to shake it off. Yes I could have run more. Yes I could have ate more healthy food, slept more hours at night, drank more ounces of water, and stretched my tired muscles more. Yes I could have done a lot of things more but the truth is I did what I did and while it may or may not have been enough it’s going to have to be good enough. I have 5 days until run this race and dwelling on how bad it could be might surely guarantee that it will be. (The ol’ self-fulfilled prophecy coming back to bite my ass!)

So with less then a week to go I can and will commit to the following :

I, Samantha, will eat good wholesome food that will fuel my body. I will get quality sleep every night and adequate rest in between. I will drink lots of water and will myself to relax. I will visualize myself crossing the finish line. I will turn this sucky, good for nothing mood into something positive and helpful. I will smile even when I’m not in the mood to because I will be again very, very soon.

So tell me, how do you turn your frown upside down (yea, I said that and no I don't teach the second grade)


  1. I ma having the same problem right now with running. I just can't get into it, I'll go out for a run and just dont feel motivated. It's not enjoyable to me anymore. And the whole issue of eating went out the door when I became a full time student again.

  2. It happens to the best of us, girly!

    Make the conscious decision to turn things around and you will!! And go into the half-marathon with the #1 goal of HAVING FUN and you will :-)

  3. I'm going through the same thing right now. I feel like I've lost/misplaced myself, specifically my motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. I think it just happens. We can't be perfect all the time. Sometimes we have to be unhealthy/stop running to remember why we are healthy/run in the first place. The important thing is to not beat yourself up over it (I really struggle with this). Good luck I hope you feel better soon!

  4. First off, this is so normal and familiar to me, so you are not alone!

    You've already made progress because you admitted to yourself (and us) that you aren't necessarily where you want to be. I know it's probably tempting to say, "tomorrow I am changing back to my old self", but it may be easily to gradually go back into your old routine. I am certain though after you put on your running shoes and head out there, you will feel right into the groove.

  5. Yes, I missed you?! I have checked your blog and wondered what was up.

    Even on those not so good day, post about it. We are all here for you!

  6. I was wondering where you were :)

    You are totally not alone! I have those days, too. Where I don't want to blog (the proof is in my last week's BLAH post), days where it would be easier to get drive through food & days where I want to do nothing but lay on the couch. Usually if I indulge these desires for a day, the next day I want to get back on track. So don't fight the "blahs" too hard and they usually go away on their own.

    Although, with a race coming up, I see how you might need to push yourself a bit... so I'll cheer you along! WAHOO!!! GOOOO SAMANTHA!! ;)

  7. I was wondering where you might be but I think this happens to everyone. I have those days (weeks, months).

    Just try to be good to yourself and I am sure everything will be right again for you in no time.

    Some thing that helps me focus on the positive is making a list of all the things I am grateful for. I might need to make one today...

    Good luck on the up coming race!

  8. Ive been there too. I think I'm there now. Its like a writers block but for many aspects in my life. Blogging, eating right, dealing with issues that take positive thinking to get through, working out, saving money. I can go on. I don't know how to get through it yet. I feel like I experienced 1 road block & it was like a domino effect that is now stalling everything else. I recently had a fall out with a couple important people in my life & now everything that reminds me of them I avoid. Just writing this is making me recognize where my "writers block" may be coming from. Good luck on yours. I'm sure you have already figured it out.

  9. This is what I'm going through right now! I was doing so well with training and then just one day I didn't want to do it anymore. I'm struggling now to get back on track since the race is in 3 days. The last paragraph was very inspiring. Thank you.
